Customs Audit

Customs Audit

As experienced Customs specialists we can help you when the time comes to review your current Customs system. We can address areas where we believe you can save money, ensuring your business is compliant with HMRC regulations, and conduct thorough assessments of your business's current Customs and Duty practice.

Members of our team have been trained to the same standards as HMRC experts, so we know exactly what HMRC look for whenever they conduct assessments or investigations. Our expertise allows us to assist companies with Customs compliancy as well as save you money wherever possible.

We investigate several aspects of your importing/exporting business and our bespoke service includes:

  • Reviewing current business structure;
  • Addressing areas for improvement, identifying opportunities and providing guidance and assistance in achieving compliancy and efficiency;
  • Prepare for, plan for and meet specific standards set by HMRC;
  • Prepare audit and transaction trails;
  • Assessment reviews and, where necessary, representing businesses in front of HMRC and taking appeals to tribunal.

Contact Us

If you would like your current Customs structure reviewing by a team who are dedicated to getting the best from HMRC's systems for businesses, speak to The Customs People today. Call us on 0161 82 68 926 or fill our our online form.