Brexit Customs Advice

Brexit Customs Advice

With the UK now out of the European Union, your business may require Brexit customs advice to ensure that exporting to and importing from the EU after Brexit can continue smoothly. At The Customs People, we can provide expert guidance on the new customs rules after Brexit, which can help you save time and money for your company.

Our team of experienced consultants are here to offer tailored support and advice on all aspects of the new customs regulations after Brexit, including new declarations, regulatory requirements, potential levies and the best ways of keeping your customs processes flowing smoothly.

We have assisted numerous businesses from various industries in deciphering these complicated Brexit customs rules, and are here to make the process as stress-free and simple as possible. We understand how confusing this change can be, which is why we work to provide tailored advice that will deliver an effective, efficient solution for your business.

Contact The Customs People today for up-to-the-minute guidance on the latest customs rules after Brexit. Call us on 0161 826 8926, or complete an online enquiry form to request a call back at a time that works for you.

How we can help you

The Customs People can provide a full consultancy service to explain what Brexit means for your business and customs operations specifically, in a clear and concise manner. Based on this understanding, we will then advise you on the steps you will need to take to adapt to these changes, guiding you through each stage of the process.

We can advise you on the following matters:

  • Changes to UK-EU customs processes and border control obligations
  • Making customs declarations for EU trade
  • New tariffs and rules of origin, including classification of goods
  • Rules on excise goods, and licence applications for transporting specialist goods
  • Available grants and support measures

Our experienced consultants are constantly keeping abreast of the latest developments relating to Brexit, meaning we are well placed to ensure you are kept constantly updated on what these new rules will mean for you. We are dedicated to explaining your options in the most logical manner, with your commercial goals and objectives in mind.

Specifically, we will help you in the following ways:

  • Helping you understand the new rates of duty and the broader business impact of Brexit
  • Working out strategies to minimise the trading impact on your customers, rather than having to pass on additional duty costs to end users
  • Helping you ensure your suppliers are compliant with post-Brexit legislation
  • Analyse other potential costs, such as clearance fees
  • Assist with supply route analysis to ensure continued proactive trading with the EU

Working in collaboration with our sister company, The VAT People, we will analyse your unique circumstances and provide you with tailored solutions that will unravel the complexities of post-Brexit customs and help you avoid potential delays and additional costs in your import and export activities.

Why Choose Us?

The Customs People is a trusted UK consultancy, and we have been offering specialist advice on all regulations relating to customs and excise for more than 50 years. Our comprehensive understanding of the global import/export system means we are ideally placed to provide the most educated advice on the newest Brexit customs rules.

We have provided Brexit customs advice and support for importers and exporters from a broad range of industries. We work closely alongside businesses to help them better understand their responsibilities, submit essential applications and documentation, and revise their processes to maximise efficiency and revenues.

The UK’s post-Brexit customs relationship with the EU is still evolving and remains subject to further change. By working with The Customs People, you can stay a step ahead of those changes and ensure you are able to smoothly continue sending goods to the EU after Brexit, with minimal disruption to your business model.


What are the major changes in customs rules for trade with the EU?
Since the UK’s post-Brexit transition period with the EU ended at the start of 2021, a number of core changes to the rules regarding exports and imports to the EU have now come into effect. These include:

  • Customs declarations are now required when importing or exporting goods between Great Britain and the EU
  • Security and safety data must be provided alongside the customs declaration
  • Businesses must demonstrate the origin of their goods in order to qualify for tariff-free trade
  • Special licences are required to import or export certain goods, such as waste, hazardous chemicals and GMOs
  • Transporting excise goods between the UK and EU is now classified as an export to a third country, meaning declarations and excise taxes are required

This is by no means a comprehensive list, which is why it is important for businesses that are trading with the EU to seek out Brexit customs advice to find out exactly how their business might be affected by these changes.

Should my business apply for Authorised Economic Operator status?
Applying for Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) status is an effective means of speeding up the customs process. Registering for AEO status means that your business has an internationally recognised quality kitemark, that your role in the international supply chain is secure, and that you are efficient and compliant with customs controls.
The Customs People can offer advice and support if you are applying for AEO status. We will guide you every step of the way throughout the application process and explain each stage to you.
Find out more about our AEO support services here.

Contact us

If your business requires Brexit customs advice to make sense of how importing and exporting from the EU works after Brexit, get in touch with us today. Our specialist consultants are here to help you transform your customs operations for the future

Call us now on 0161 826 8926 or complete an online enquiry form and we will be in touch at a time that is suitable for you.